2012年6月3日 星期日

Guys please help me do a survey.thx!!

survey link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dG13dWlPUTMzTjVDU2VSdzJIMGhJTGc6MQ

2012年5月27日 星期日

Underground City????

Will there be an underground city in the future? I think if there is something like the underground city in the future, the only difference from the world as we know now is that the skyscrapers are built the way around - into the ground.

I think this idea is quite possible as we are now tending to the problem of not enough space and air pollution. With a city underground, we can stretch the area as large as we can, so we don't have to care about over population as we will have endless space for humans to live. Also, we can rid the air pollution problem and get fresh air underground by ventilation system.

This might really be the future for mankind.

By Greyrocks

PaRenTS VS OurSelF

Should we listen to our parents or ourselves? In my own opinion, i think that what parents say are really great and to the point. They are experienced in many fields as they are older than ourselves. But are they always correct? That i think not. I think that we should listen to ourselves more and do things on our own instinct. Even though we might trip and fall, but we will learn how to stand up again.

Also, we can use studying as an example. Many of you (if you are students) will know that when parents tell you to revise and revise makes you angry and think they are annoying. However, the worst thing is you know your parents are right. At this point i think that we should learn to study, learn to learn things by our own self but not only from parents.

By Greyrocks

This look like ToNg TONg!!!

2012年5月26日 星期六


uh oh, they look really alike...


Many teenagers nowadays used to say maybe to their parents and friends. but if they are really right? Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Maybe there will be flying cars in the future. Maybe, maybe, maybe...... We don't know what might bring tomorrow, but we know that everything is possible. A person who is not hard working can be hard working over the night. Because there are maybes in this world. Never trust your own instinct, cause there are things that happen that will not be what you think of. However, knowledge is a thing that is totally controversial of maybe. Maybe is an idea, a thing that doesn't exist. But knowledge can be touchable, either by books or by other things. Think before one acts, that's what is real important.

Some employers in Hong Kong have stated that they prefer to employ Hong Kong people who have graduated from local universities rather than those who have graduated from overseas universities. What is your view?

2nd March 2012

The Editor,
South China Morning Post,
PO Box323,
Tai Po, NT.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Some employers in Hong Kong have stated that they prefer to employ Hong Kong people who have graduated from local universities rather than those who have graduated from overseas universities. I wish to help analyze the problem and put forward my views.

First, let me talk about why employers in Hong Kong want to employ Hong Kong people who have graduated from local universities. In my opinion, the employers want to employ people that had already been familiar with the atmosphere in Hong Kong. If they employ someone that is familiar with Hong Kong, then the employee doesn’t have to adapt to a new environment again. Also, if the employer is a HongKonger then he might want to employ someone from Hong Kong as to help the growth of the Hong Kong society and so that they can communicate better. These all might increase the effectiveness in production.

However, are people from Hong Kong who have graduated from Hong Kong Universities really the best? Many people that had graduated from overseas universities might be better, because they experience more in their life. For example, if a Hong Kong student went abroad to America or some other places, they will experience more than students that stayed in Hong Kong for their whole life.  People who graduated from overseas universities might also come from better and more famous universities, however, Hong Kong universities may not hold a position as high as some universities overseas.

Therefore, I think that a degree from a university in Hong Kong is worse than a degree from a university overseas. First, because if a person that had been born in Hong Kong and stayed in Hong Kong for his whole life, that person only lives in a box. He hasn’t seen the big picture yet. If an employer employ a person that doesn’t know what is happening out of Hong Kong, then it will be the employer’s loss. However, if that employer employs a person that had graduated oversea, that person will have more exposures and is more independent. That person will help a company more than a person who graduated from local universities. Second, when a person is too adept with an environment, they might not perform their best. The reason is that they doesn’t have to uncover the environment and cannot uncover their potential.

After a long and through analyze, I conclude that a degree from a university in Hong Kong is worse than a degree from a university overseas.

Chris Wong
Flat 9C,
Hong Kong Building,
20Cannon Street,
Causeway Bay.